185 people enjoyed the Annual Rotary Club of Lockport Valentine Raffle at the Terry’s Corner’s Fire 
Hall last week despite the cold weather. Rotary uses this major fundraiser to fund scholarships for 
high school students and additional service programs. Photos: Chairman Mike Norris kicks things 
off; Rotary exchange students with Rotarian Janet Walker helped sell raffle tickets; MC Eric Connor 
charms the audience; District Governor Jack Amico shares a few words and Sheriff Voutour auctions 
off prizes ably assisted by Brian Sibiga.
The 185 attendance figure (203 tickets sold), dollars raised through the basket raffle, split club, and 
auction were all-time records for the Valentine Raffle - nearly $16,000!  Thanks for the hard work and leadership 
(even while stress inducing), Chairman, Norris.  And, thanks to the many others on the 
committee and assisting during the evening.